Photoshop Tutorial:Multi-tone and Masking

January 5th, 2010 by Meldun

This Photoshop tutorial by photoshopmama focuses on using the built in masks in the gradient map to produce a creative multi toned image.

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Photoshop Tutorial: Vanishing point

December 16th, 2009 by Meldun

This video Photoshop tutorial by tutvid, is about the one of the ways to use vanishing point. It is a really amazing filter that allows you to quickly and easily adjust perspective planes of a image.

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Photoshop tutorial: Layers

December 9th, 2009 by Meldun

I have realized that lately I have been posting quite a few intermediate to advance Photoshop tutorials. Today I’ve decided to put up a beginner video by graphicsdistrict that deals with a crucial but basic Photoshop feature…Layers.

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Photoshop Tutorial: Blending

November 25th, 2009 by Meldun

This tutorial by FullAperture focuses on blending 2 objects together, and you learn various tools along the way that you may have not been previously familiar with. Definitely worth taking a look at.

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Photoshop Tutorial: Adding snowfall to a photo

November 9th, 2009 by Meldun

Another great photoshop tutorial by Tutcast, which involves adding snowfall to a photo. There a few more steps necessary for this tutorial than some of the previous but it is well worth it.