LOMO effect using Photoshop Cs4

October 19th, 2009 by Meldun

This a cool effect for images called the LOMO effect. It is a tutorial create by tutvid using CS4. I thought it was pretty cool, yet simple. What I really like is the reminder of how actions can be recorded for future use. Enjoy.

Adding stubble to a photos – photoshop tutorial

July 29th, 2008 by elmadah

Here is a quick tutorial on how to add that 5 o’clock shadow look to a photo.  Originally created by TubeTutorial and posted on YouTube,

YouTube Preview Image

Accenting the eyes – free photoshop video tutorial

July 7th, 2008 by elmadah

Interesting, short tutorial that uses a couple of different techniques to accentuate the eyes.  YouTube Preview Image

20 Second Eye Colour Change – Photoshop Tutorial

June 19th, 2008 by elmadah

Photoshop – Lightning Tutorial

May 2nd, 2008 by elmadah