Photoshop Tutorial: Create custom Gradient Maps and burning

February 25th, 2010 by Meldun

This Photoshop Tutorial by Photoshop Mama, show you how to create custom gradients and burning. This allows you to create more dramatic effects in your images.

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Photoshop Tutorial: Reflections

February 3rd, 2010 by Meldun

in today’s Photoshop tutorial by tutcast, you will be shown a simple method of creating a reflection on a layermask rather than the pixels of the layer the reflection is on.

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Photoshop Tutorial: Pen Tool

January 29th, 2010 by Meldun

This Photoshop tutorial by tutcast which comes in 2 parts provides us with information about the pen tool and what exactly the pen tool can be used for.

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Photoshop Tutorial: Gradient Tool

January 25th, 2010 by Meldun

This Photoshop tutorial courtesy of, provides an indepth overview of the gradient tool.

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Photoshop: Fake Depth of Field (HD)

January 14th, 2010 by Meldun

A tutcast Photoshop tutorial that shows you how to use the blur and layer mask tools to give your photos depth of field. Enjoy!

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